Sunday, June 27, 2010

So What Happened In Toronto Anyway On The Weekend?

Good Evening All,

so can anyone tell me.....WHAT HAPPENED IN TORONTO ON THE WEEKEND ANYWAY? there has been a lot of smoke and mirrors about protesters that has filled the news for 3 days. when you stop and think about was a puff of smoke compared to other protests in other countries. sure a few windows got smashed, but store owners were warned close up and board up.
the media spent its time and effort bringing us every detail about "the BLACK BLOCK".
sure they are assh*les and they caused a lot of damage.
its what the media DIDN'T TELL YOU that you should be worried about, not a bunch of adolescents tossing rocks.
well i found out what happened at the G20 summit but not from Canadian news coverage. i got what went on from the BBC. sad isn't it that a Canadian has to get information about an event in their own country from an outside news agency.
SO HERE IT IS.......

1. the leaders want to send more money to 3rd world countries for mother and child health care. COST ( dollar amount was released)

2. they want to see deficit cuts from all attending nations by half before or around 2013. COST ( well after Canadians swallow this Summit Money Pit they will have to swallow more.)
how ironic that we will send money to countries for the health of women and children and at the same time programs such as health care, schooling and others will be cut here for our mothers and children.


oh ya and a few other comments made to the press for good PR.
- they condemned the North Korean sinking of a South Korean ship.
(that would be the 2 Koreas problem, not ours)

- and they expressed concern over the "Gaza Situation."
(you know, that place where Palestinians are being held like criminals and treated worse than your neighbourhood mongrel.)

at the last G20 summit the then leaders said that they would push 22 BILLION into agriculture in countries that needed help. (ah??? where's the money or the wheat or the vegetables or any other agri-thing you promised. it never happened. either 22 BILLION just disappeared into thin air, or THEY NEVER SENT IT!!!!

so what is left over in Toronto after all this.....I WILL TELL YA!!

- A FEW REALLY PISSED OFF STORE OWNERS who weren't smart enough to board the place up.

- FENCING THAT THE INSTALLERS will charge the city or the federal government a fortune to be dismantled.

- TORONTO GARBAGE WORKERS who have to clean up after the masses.

- AND A LOT OF BRAGGING AND BACK PATTING about what a wonderful job the police did.

- 3 SONIC CANNONS that cost us $60,000 that didn't really see the light of day.

- A FAKE LAKE that has to be dismantled. (AHHHHH don't forget to put back the muskoka chairs when you're done.)


P.S. just so ya know, Harper to this date has the highest deficit of any Prime Minister....but we need to cut that.
KNOW WHAT I SAY MR. HARPER......YOU SPENT IT....YOU GIVE IT BACK. MY POCKETS ARE NOT THAT DEEP.....maybe you could sell the fake lake to Australia...apparently they need the water.

* oh ya no quote today.... just an after thought. the news article about the G8 and G20 summit were wayyyyyy down the list of news articles, IN FACT, it was 9th. WELL BELOW the most important thing of the day...WOMAN ACCUSES USA SOCCER PLAYER OF LOVE CHILD! (isn't that what the world needed to know?)

Black Block Cowards......

Good Morning,

I DO BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTEST. that being said, i DO NOT believe that random violence and destruction of public property is a PROTEST.

as any law abiding Canadian can, your right to protest anything from pink flowers along a main street to the G20 summit is yours. the ugliness that broke out today in downtown Toronto was not protest by VANDALISM. the most disturbing part is that these COWARDS known as the BLACK BLOCK, clad in all black garb, dressed as the rest of the protesters and later broke away, removing plain clothes and wearing black. not only was it their disguise that disturbed us, but the violent destruction of property. NO banners were carried, NO chants were heard and NO sign of the reason for their march. the destruction of the downtown area will cost ontario/canada big bucks....add that to the 1.1 billion this 3 day fiasco started. after the wave of violence and many attempts to break police lines, the BLACK BLOCK then melted back into the crowd and removed black clothing, returning to street clothes as the rest of the peaceful demonstrators.
what was the purpose of the violence today??? some say to show the big corporations that the little guy is fighting back, some say is was to show the leaders that not everything they say and do in the next 2 days is ok with the people.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....TAKE YOUR SORRY ASS ANTICS ELSEWHERE !!!! legitimate protesters were injured because of your violent nonsense and their right to protest was curbed by your stupid senseless antics.
I DON'T CONDONE VIOLENCE IN ANY SHAPE OR my blog history and i am sure you will see that.
SO A WORD FOR ALL YOU BLACK BLOCK HOODLUMS......go the hell home!!!!!
(and take the queen with you)

the other thing in the news today, or shall i say not in the news today, was that the Australian representative, one PM Rudd did not come to the G8 or the G20. wanna know why......? well it seems his own party decided that Mr. Rudd had done enough damage to his party and country and they voted him out. i do believe that this has been in the works for a while, but only sprung by the covent just before the summits so that it appeared suddenly to the people of Australia. the new acting PM is a woman... YOU READ IT RIGHT...A WOMAN. from past news articles, she seems to not be totally on the level and has her own agenda. its sad really, WHERE DID DEMOCRACY GO??? how can a country get a new leader just because his own party says so?? why are the people not deciding? we will find out in a month or so when Aussies go back to the voting booths and vote in a federal election again. i have a feeling that this was a last ditch effort by Rudd's party to maintain some form of leadership and repair damage done. the opposition is crawling back out of disrespect and making positive waves in the polls. i think their fear is losing the election in a few months. unfortunately, i don't think the image of this woman will bolster any positive poll support for the party and they will indeed lose the next election. YOU HEARD IT HEAR FIRST......NEWS FLASH : SHORT LIVED WOMAN PRIME MINISTER LOSES ELECTION IN AUSTRALIA....

i am jumping back to the protesters now.....
so with all the craziness going on downtown, what were the issues of the protesters?
unfortunately we will never know that because the media, trying to gain ratings, decided that images of burning police vehicles and black clad goons was more important than the issues of the march.
when will the MEDIA learn that we are not just a bunch of stupid Alberta cows standing around in the field?!!!! we are conscious, we breathe, we think and we can comprehend what it is that these handful of people are all about during this 3 day government spending spree.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....STOP TREATING THE CANADIAN PUBLIC LIKE MINDLESS IDIOTS AND GET TO THE REAL ISSUES. it is time that the Canadian media stop acting like the American media and get back to real journalism, NOT this whitewash shit they call news.

done for now!
QUOTE OF THE DAY............

“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”

Elie Wiesel....nobel prize winner 1986

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another Dead Soldier and Talk of Separation....

good morning,

on his 4th and final tour of Afganistan, Sgt. James Macneil from Nova Scotia is going home for good.
Less than 24 hours before his death, Macneil and his girlfriend got engaged long-distance and began making plans for a wedding and a new home.
Macneil is the 148th Canadian Forces member to die as part of the Afghan mission since it began in 2002. Two civilians -- diplomat Glyn Berry and journalist Michelle Lang -- have also been killed.
WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH? Mr. Harper, you had better come clean on your decision to bring these boys home soon and not extent the Canadian troops beyond the time limits you set. This is no longer a war, but babysitting and death due to babysitting is not the Canadian way.

looks like the Quebecers have made a quiet stir again about leaving Canada. some 400 protesters took to the streets on Sunday to celebrate the death of the Meech Lake accord that took place 20 years ago.
it was a far cry from the 1990 street mob of 160,000 that flooded the streets and interupted an Expos game in Montreal.
it seems the "quiet revolution" has replaced the storming of the bastille!? in any event, the Bloc Leader, Gilles Duceppe, is about to tour Canada with his separatist views and hit on other provinces like Newfoundland, BC and Alberta to rethink their position in the Great White North and begin to think about independence.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....bye bye all you losers that think it would be nice not to be under the Canadian Flag...i would be glad to see you go.
HERE'S THE DEAL: 1. you pay your portion of the debt.
(the largest contributors to the federal debt are BC, Alberta, Quebec and Ontario.) BIG SURPRISE THERE. the cost....millions.
2. hand back all CANADIAN currency. which means you would have to sink millions up front to create your own currency, the cost....millions.
3. stop all CANADA PENSION for those eligible within those provinces. (remember, the yuppies will soon be at the door of Canada Pension eligibility) the cost....there goes millions more.
4. infastructure of education, healthcare, new tax laws, government restructuring, legal systems, law enforcement....and the list goes on. the cost... MILLIONS AND MILLIONS MORE.

WHO WILL PAY FOR ALL THESE NEW FOUND FREEDOMS???? the little flag waving losers that thought being away from momma Canada would be cool! i compare these ideals to that of a teenager who thinks his parents know nothing and rebels....and after thinking that they are wiser than the parents, leaves to see what its like on their own. good luck....BUT REMEMBER....Momma Canada is not going to be there to pick you up or do your laundry after you go!!!

instead of provinces like Quebec asking "what have you done for me lately?" maybe we all should be asking "how can we make this country STRONGER?"


Canada is one of the planet's most comfortable, and caring, societies. The United Nations Human Development Index cited the country as the most desirable place in the world to live. This year a World Bank study named Canada the globe's second wealthiest society after Australia.

Time magazine

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1.9 Million for a FAKE LAKE......?????

Well, its umm? morning,
but it ain't too good for Joe Canada this morning. i just finished reading an article about the Federal and Provincial government footing the bill for a FAKE LAKE. YA YOU READ IT RIGHT?!!! its true. the convention centre is getting a FAKE LAKE just like in the Muskokas with docks, canoes, deck chairs and other Muskokaie things sprinkled around. THE PRICE TAG TO THE TAXPAYERS (sit down for this one) its only going to cost 1.9 million to build. (i did tell ya to sit down, now get off the floor and read the rest)

This FAKE LAKE being built is not for LEADERS OF COUNTRIES, its not for DIPLOMATS, its not even for their WIVES OR AIDES.....its for REPORTERS!!!! YIP....foreign reporters. not all reporters will have access to the G8 or G20 so our PRIME MINISTER, and his "magic dollar hat" has found 1.9 million to build a lake and promote the country and province. are we then to assume that a 3.5 kilometre fence that's 9 meters high to surround the G20 SUMMIT is there to promote the beauty of the province as well? NOT TO MENTION sound cannons to disperse unruly protesters who have every right to speak their minds. WOW! there's something to put on an Ontario Tourism postcard!!!!

KNOW WHAT I SAY......LET THEM WATCH THE TV COMMERCIALS LIKE I HAVE TO. they are on the idiot-box all the time about tourism in CANADA and ONTARIO...OR drive to a resort and sit in their deck chairs.
oh and Mr.'s a news flash. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THE MUSKOKAS USE MUSKOKA CHAIRS ON THEIR DECKS....we buy patio furniture from walmart or fold up canvas chairs.

......BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE............ there will also be a replica of the Toronto Stock Exchange built as well....why? who the hell knows???? its not a tourist attraction by any means!!!

Jack Layton wants to know why we are building a FAKE LAKE when there will be one half a mile away from the place these people will be. And to boot, he is wondering why we are building it when CANADA probably has the most lakes in the world????

CANADA is constantly reminded that it has one of the worst deficits in its history. We are just climbing back from a damaging recession and the SUMMITS are suppose to seriously discuss coming to grips with the international debt crisis?!!!!
Does Mr. Harper feel that CANADA has been excluded from this part of the discussion? Is the Conservative Government hiding money trees in our vast expanse of forest? if he is hiding the money trees, he is burning it faster than our forest fires can?!!!
2 billion dollars...can you say more doctors please, can you say CANADA PENSION. you know, that thing that won't exist for me once the yuppies hit retirement ahead of me?

let me ask you one important question.....if you are footing the bill for a 1.9 million dollar FAKE LAKE, that will only be there for 2 to 4 days and only there for some 200 reporters...can we use it? it will be the only way to get your money's worth!!!!

before the planes with national leaders leave on the sunday, Harper will have spent close to 2 billion with a'b' dollars to show off.



“If it wasn’t so serious, it would be hysterically funny. The federal government refuses to compensate the businesses in my ward for damages, yet they'll build a $2 million fake lake — across from a real lake. As far as I’m concerned, they can jump in that lake.”
Adam Vaughan City Council, Toronto

Friday, June 4, 2010

April Fools Canada......Cadium & Oil

Morning All,
well the wool has been pulled over the eyes of the CANADIAN people again. after the April 1 bullshit speech to the nation about bringing the troops home and telling the US that ''we decide our policy in Afganistan'', our wonderful PR...oops! PM has all but decided to leave some boys behind after the deadline to train the Afganistan police. Mr. Harper lied. can't get any more honest then that now can i. bringing home the CANADIANS means all the CANADIANS, not most of the CANADIANS. canadian people really need to rethink what this guy is doing to our country. he has spent more money than any other minority government has.
my question is this.....I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW MANY MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT HAVE CHILDREN IN AFGANISTAN. then i will tell you how long the troops will remain there.
why doesn't the government ask the parents of these troops if they want them to stay? why doesn't the government put it to the CANADIAN people? why is the government entertaining this question at all. HAVE SOME GOVERNMENTAL BALLS HARPER and stick to what you said April 1.

McDonalds is recalling 12 million shrek glasses because the paint is cadmium. this paint with cadmium is a carcinogen that can cause softening of bones and kidney problems. they charged $2 a glass and are asking people to return them. BUT....and here it comes.....there is no mention in the article about reimbursement of your $2 or where the glasses where manufactured??? i am sure we can all guess where they were made....and as for your $2, well i am sure McDs will be happy to provide you with a happy meal in lue of the money!!??? (can't eat into the profit margin now can we) i am sure that McDs will be releasing more on this soon. oh and so you know, IT WAS WAAAAAAAAAY DOWN THE LIST OF NEWS ARTICLES ON THE PAGE. go figure, chemicals, children, not healthy....don't want to promote that as a headline now can we!!!

the oil in the gulf is beginning to show its affects on wildlife. i can't imagine what these animals must be going through. the weight alone of the oil would be devastating to them let alone the toxicity. it is a death blow to hundreds of species and many more that man has not discovered yet. the long term effects will be a huge blow to the ecosystem. people will what, it doesn't affect human life its just a loss of oil and the cost of the cleanup.
KNOW WHAT I are a naive asshole if you think that shallow.

THIS IS A BROWN is on the endangered species list. the area it was found in is its breeding ground. ENDANGERED? try more like...EXTINCT soon.
this could be your child! this could be your beach! this could be your shoreline! this could be your health! MUST WE WAIT for a spill or disaster to happen in our own backyard before we get off our chair and email or write your MP or Prime Minister? OFF SHORE DRILLING is not safe and it continue to be a russian roulette game for the world.


“Had you fallen off that boat yesterday and come up breathing that stuff, you probably wouldn’t be here today.”

(from The Examiner, May 22)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Oil & Israel....Can It Get Any Worse?

Can BP Oil Survive?

BP oil has had its share of bad luck lately. so says the CEO of
BP. Bad Luck?? he is lucky that he hasn't appeared in world
court....he is EVEN LUCKIER that there is not law about

1. AN OIL RIG EXPLODES...its been almost a month now since
this rig blew up KILLING some of its workers.

2. ATTEMPTS TO STEM THE has been on the border
of insanity that NO OIL COMPANY can fix or guarantee that
if something goes wrong like this at a rig THEY REALLY HAVE
to stem the flow at earth levels and sea level with a variety
of methods all have crumbled under the power of the
pressure of oil pouring from within the earth pocket. unable
to contain or plug the spill from below, BP had attempted a
top kill on the weekend, but it failed and the likelihood of
another rig in place months away is leaving very little
options to stem the flow. Wednesday they will attempt to
saw through the pipe and cap it.

3. STRONG RUMOURS OF PAYOFFS.... there are rumours that
inspectors that visited the rig were being paid off with
sporting event tickets, cash and holidays.

to states like Texas, Louisiana and Florida will skyrocket soon
as the waves of oil hit the coast. 125 miles of the Louisiana
coastline has already been affected. coastal areas that
harbour national and state parks that house thousands of
wildlife species will be affected. the plants and vegetation
that animals feed on will be no longer edible to sustain life.
the ground that will be saturated will be unusable to grow or
generate plant life. this could cause great cost to commercial
cropping. tourism in these states will come to almost a halt.
resorts will be affected greatly with tourists and summer
vacationers abandoning favoured coastal spots.

5. THE GULF STREAM....this current is crucial to the climates
of Europe. it is one of the strongest currents in the world
that can reach top speeds of 70kph. if the slick enters this
stream, European coastlines and arctic coastlines could be
affected causing environmental damage.

6. HEALTH RISKS...the first to report health issues are some
of the Gulf fisherman who have volunteered to help with the
cleanup. respiratory problems are prevalent. officials feel that
the use of the chemical that is being sprayed by BP is
causing health problems. the chemical COREXIT was used to
cleanup the Exxon Valdez spill in Alaska and had health risks
and reports from workers during that period. BP has
dispersed some 830,000 gallons of the chemical before they
were stopped. COREXIT is still being used right at the source
of the spill. a video i saw showed the liquid right next to the
oil plume fanning back and forth. some 212,000 gallons a
day exits this pipe to help break up the oil. attempts at
topside burning has sent workers to hospital for upper
respiratory issues. officials have begun to form and place
triage units along the coastline for those who need medical

7. COST....besides the ever growing price tag that is into the
BILLIONS of dollars now for BP, there is the cost of life and all
that surrounds it. the dollar after affects for BP will be
staggering. shares in BP dropped 17% at the last closing on
the London Stock Market. the state of affairs in the Gulf and
the aftermath could see the end of BP and bankruptcy.

8. WEATHER...the urgency to cleanup is even dearer now that
the North American Hurricane season is knocking at the
door. the presence of just one hurricane could spell the end
of every attempt to diminish the assault of oil on the
American coastlines.

with the effort of BP and their lack of strategy or ability to
control the situations IT LEAVES ME TO WONDER....who else
is not prepared or has the ability to prevent this from
happening. Can companies like SHELL, EXXON MOBIL,
i don't think so. in the path of progress we have put aside the
cost and application of safety for profit. I DO NOT BELIEVE
that these companies could promise or do anything better
than what BP is doing now.

SO STOP ALL DRILLING OFFSHORE...until companies can
physically prove that they have a sound process to make
sure this doesn't happen and that they can demonstrate it to
the people of the world. i could live with higher gas prices if
they had to do this.

Israel's recent history with conflict has not ingratiated it on
the international scene. this last incident has stirred the
quieter middle eastern countries and parts of Europe to
protest in front of Israeli embassies.

so far, America and Canada are kissing the boots of the the
Israelis!! my question is WHY? WHAT kind of power does
Israel possess that causes America and Canada to be so slow
in condemning this latest action?

the incident i speak of has been all over the news. Israeli
military boarded and attacked relief ships in international
waters some 145km of the coast of Israel. the ships were
trying to get needed food and materials to the Gaza strip for
the oppressed Palestinians. footage has leaked out to news
agencies that were not approved by Israel that shows
soldiers beating and shooting people on board.

Demonstrations in Turkey and Greece were bordering on
violent in front of the Israeli embassy. police were forced to
use some restraint for fear that the embassy would be
stormed. in fact, a Turkish government representative called
the Israeli attack on the flotilla "an act of piracy and Israel
should be subject to international laws governing it."

it seems that the only countries that are walking softly are
countries like Canada, America, Britain and Germany. they
only seemed to be concerned to know if any of their people
on board were injured. Canada is a big nuclear promoter and
has what is needed by many countries to actively participate
in nuclear energy or arms.

the UN declared this week that Israel should allow nuclear
inspectors in to see just what they are stockpiling and
hiding. the prime minister of Israel, Binyamin Netanyahu
avoided the call for Israel to sign a nuclear proliferation
treaty and instead complained that Iran was not asked to.

THE STORM IS BREWING THERE...and Israel will be in the
center of it all. people of the world seem to be losing their
tolerance of Israel's muscle flexing and i fear that some kind

of war will begin.

what Israel doesn't see is that they are very quickly turning
into the monsters that held their own people in contempt
just some 65 years ago. the REALLY SAD THING IS....the
world is allowing it to happen while we sit back and watch
''reality TV".

- they rank 2ND in the world in the top 20 countries in space

- they have launched since 1988 at least 13 spy satellites.

- 90% of Israeli homes are solar powered.

- The nation's military relies heavily on high-tech weapons
systems designed and manufactured in Israel as well as
some foreign imports. The United States is a particularly
notable foreign contributor; they are expected to provide the
country with US$30 billion in military aid between 2008 and

- After the Gulf War in 1991, when Israel was attacked by
Iraqi Scud missiles, a law was passed requiring all
apartments and homes in Israel to have a ma mad, a
reinforced security room impermeable to chemical and
biological substances.

- Under Israeli law, Lebanon, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iraq, and
Yemen are enemy countries.

- As a result of the 2009 Gaza War, Mauritania, Qatar,
Bolivia, and Venezuela suspended political and economical
ties with Israel.

- Leading exports include fruits, vegetables,
pharmaceuticals, software, chemicals, military technology,
and diamonds; in 2006, Israeli exports reached $42.86

- major imports to Israel, totaling $47.8 billion in 2006,
include fossil fuels, raw materials, and military equipment.

- Foreign relations with United States, Germany, the United
Kingdom and India are among Israel's strongest. The United
States was the first country to recognize the State of Israel,
followed by the Soviet Union. The United States may regard
Israel as its primary ally in the Middle East, based on
"common democratic values, religious affinities, and security

ON ANOTHER NOTE.......go to u-tube and type in " Denver
Airport " and find out what all the strange artwork is and
why they buried buildings underground ?


“Oh, you actors on the stage of life, playing the parts of that

which you are not."