Sunday, June 27, 2010

So What Happened In Toronto Anyway On The Weekend?

Good Evening All,

so can anyone tell me.....WHAT HAPPENED IN TORONTO ON THE WEEKEND ANYWAY? there has been a lot of smoke and mirrors about protesters that has filled the news for 3 days. when you stop and think about was a puff of smoke compared to other protests in other countries. sure a few windows got smashed, but store owners were warned close up and board up.
the media spent its time and effort bringing us every detail about "the BLACK BLOCK".
sure they are assh*les and they caused a lot of damage.
its what the media DIDN'T TELL YOU that you should be worried about, not a bunch of adolescents tossing rocks.
well i found out what happened at the G20 summit but not from Canadian news coverage. i got what went on from the BBC. sad isn't it that a Canadian has to get information about an event in their own country from an outside news agency.
SO HERE IT IS.......

1. the leaders want to send more money to 3rd world countries for mother and child health care. COST ( dollar amount was released)

2. they want to see deficit cuts from all attending nations by half before or around 2013. COST ( well after Canadians swallow this Summit Money Pit they will have to swallow more.)
how ironic that we will send money to countries for the health of women and children and at the same time programs such as health care, schooling and others will be cut here for our mothers and children.


oh ya and a few other comments made to the press for good PR.
- they condemned the North Korean sinking of a South Korean ship.
(that would be the 2 Koreas problem, not ours)

- and they expressed concern over the "Gaza Situation."
(you know, that place where Palestinians are being held like criminals and treated worse than your neighbourhood mongrel.)

at the last G20 summit the then leaders said that they would push 22 BILLION into agriculture in countries that needed help. (ah??? where's the money or the wheat or the vegetables or any other agri-thing you promised. it never happened. either 22 BILLION just disappeared into thin air, or THEY NEVER SENT IT!!!!

so what is left over in Toronto after all this.....I WILL TELL YA!!

- A FEW REALLY PISSED OFF STORE OWNERS who weren't smart enough to board the place up.

- FENCING THAT THE INSTALLERS will charge the city or the federal government a fortune to be dismantled.

- TORONTO GARBAGE WORKERS who have to clean up after the masses.

- AND A LOT OF BRAGGING AND BACK PATTING about what a wonderful job the police did.

- 3 SONIC CANNONS that cost us $60,000 that didn't really see the light of day.

- A FAKE LAKE that has to be dismantled. (AHHHHH don't forget to put back the muskoka chairs when you're done.)


P.S. just so ya know, Harper to this date has the highest deficit of any Prime Minister....but we need to cut that.
KNOW WHAT I SAY MR. HARPER......YOU SPENT IT....YOU GIVE IT BACK. MY POCKETS ARE NOT THAT DEEP.....maybe you could sell the fake lake to Australia...apparently they need the water.

* oh ya no quote today.... just an after thought. the news article about the G8 and G20 summit were wayyyyyy down the list of news articles, IN FACT, it was 9th. WELL BELOW the most important thing of the day...WOMAN ACCUSES USA SOCCER PLAYER OF LOVE CHILD! (isn't that what the world needed to know?)

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