Friday, June 4, 2010

April Fools Canada......Cadium & Oil

Morning All,
well the wool has been pulled over the eyes of the CANADIAN people again. after the April 1 bullshit speech to the nation about bringing the troops home and telling the US that ''we decide our policy in Afganistan'', our wonderful PR...oops! PM has all but decided to leave some boys behind after the deadline to train the Afganistan police. Mr. Harper lied. can't get any more honest then that now can i. bringing home the CANADIANS means all the CANADIANS, not most of the CANADIANS. canadian people really need to rethink what this guy is doing to our country. he has spent more money than any other minority government has.
my question is this.....I WOULD LIKE TO KNOW HOW MANY MEMBERS OF PARLIMENT HAVE CHILDREN IN AFGANISTAN. then i will tell you how long the troops will remain there.
why doesn't the government ask the parents of these troops if they want them to stay? why doesn't the government put it to the CANADIAN people? why is the government entertaining this question at all. HAVE SOME GOVERNMENTAL BALLS HARPER and stick to what you said April 1.

McDonalds is recalling 12 million shrek glasses because the paint is cadmium. this paint with cadmium is a carcinogen that can cause softening of bones and kidney problems. they charged $2 a glass and are asking people to return them. BUT....and here it comes.....there is no mention in the article about reimbursement of your $2 or where the glasses where manufactured??? i am sure we can all guess where they were made....and as for your $2, well i am sure McDs will be happy to provide you with a happy meal in lue of the money!!??? (can't eat into the profit margin now can we) i am sure that McDs will be releasing more on this soon. oh and so you know, IT WAS WAAAAAAAAAY DOWN THE LIST OF NEWS ARTICLES ON THE PAGE. go figure, chemicals, children, not healthy....don't want to promote that as a headline now can we!!!

the oil in the gulf is beginning to show its affects on wildlife. i can't imagine what these animals must be going through. the weight alone of the oil would be devastating to them let alone the toxicity. it is a death blow to hundreds of species and many more that man has not discovered yet. the long term effects will be a huge blow to the ecosystem. people will what, it doesn't affect human life its just a loss of oil and the cost of the cleanup.
KNOW WHAT I are a naive asshole if you think that shallow.

THIS IS A BROWN is on the endangered species list. the area it was found in is its breeding ground. ENDANGERED? try more like...EXTINCT soon.
this could be your child! this could be your beach! this could be your shoreline! this could be your health! MUST WE WAIT for a spill or disaster to happen in our own backyard before we get off our chair and email or write your MP or Prime Minister? OFF SHORE DRILLING is not safe and it continue to be a russian roulette game for the world.


“Had you fallen off that boat yesterday and come up breathing that stuff, you probably wouldn’t be here today.”

(from The Examiner, May 22)

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