Tuesday, June 8, 2010

1.9 Million for a FAKE LAKE......?????

Well, its umm? morning,
but it ain't too good for Joe Canada this morning. i just finished reading an article about the Federal and Provincial government footing the bill for a FAKE LAKE. YA YOU READ IT RIGHT?!!! its true. the convention centre is getting a FAKE LAKE just like in the Muskokas with docks, canoes, deck chairs and other Muskokaie things sprinkled around. THE PRICE TAG TO THE TAXPAYERS (sit down for this one) its only going to cost 1.9 million to build. (i did tell ya to sit down, now get off the floor and read the rest)

This FAKE LAKE being built is not for LEADERS OF COUNTRIES, its not for DIPLOMATS, its not even for their WIVES OR AIDES.....its for REPORTERS!!!! YIP....foreign reporters. not all reporters will have access to the G8 or G20 so our PRIME MINISTER, and his "magic dollar hat" has found 1.9 million to build a lake and promote the country and province. are we then to assume that a 3.5 kilometre fence that's 9 meters high to surround the G20 SUMMIT is there to promote the beauty of the province as well? NOT TO MENTION sound cannons to disperse unruly protesters who have every right to speak their minds. WOW! there's something to put on an Ontario Tourism postcard!!!!

KNOW WHAT I SAY......LET THEM WATCH THE TV COMMERCIALS LIKE I HAVE TO. they are on the idiot-box all the time about tourism in CANADA and ONTARIO...OR drive to a resort and sit in their deck chairs.
oh and Mr. Harper....here's a news flash. NOT ALL PEOPLE IN THE MUSKOKAS USE MUSKOKA CHAIRS ON THEIR DECKS....we buy patio furniture from walmart or fold up canvas chairs.

......BUT WAIT THERE'S MORE............ there will also be a replica of the Toronto Stock Exchange built as well....why? who the hell knows???? its not a tourist attraction by any means!!!

Jack Layton wants to know why we are building a FAKE LAKE when there will be one half a mile away from the place these people will be. And to boot, he is wondering why we are building it when CANADA probably has the most lakes in the world????

CANADA is constantly reminded that it has one of the worst deficits in its history. We are just climbing back from a damaging recession and the SUMMITS are suppose to seriously discuss coming to grips with the international debt crisis?!!!!
Does Mr. Harper feel that CANADA has been excluded from this part of the discussion? Is the Conservative Government hiding money trees in our vast expanse of forest? if he is hiding the money trees, he is burning it faster than our forest fires can?!!!
2 billion dollars...can you say more doctors please, can you say CANADA PENSION. you know, that thing that won't exist for me once the yuppies hit retirement ahead of me?

let me ask you one important question.....if you are footing the bill for a 1.9 million dollar FAKE LAKE, that will only be there for 2 to 4 days and only there for some 200 reporters...can we use it? it will be the only way to get your money's worth!!!!

before the planes with national leaders leave on the sunday, Harper will have spent close to 2 billion with a'b' dollars to show off.



“If it wasn’t so serious, it would be hysterically funny. The federal government refuses to compensate the businesses in my ward for damages, yet they'll build a $2 million fake lake — across from a real lake. As far as I’m concerned, they can jump in that lake.”
Adam Vaughan City Council, Toronto

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