Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Another Dead Soldier and Talk of Separation....

good morning,

on his 4th and final tour of Afganistan, Sgt. James Macneil from Nova Scotia is going home for good.
Less than 24 hours before his death, Macneil and his girlfriend got engaged long-distance and began making plans for a wedding and a new home.
Macneil is the 148th Canadian Forces member to die as part of the Afghan mission since it began in 2002. Two civilians -- diplomat Glyn Berry and journalist Michelle Lang -- have also been killed.
WHEN IS ENOUGH ENOUGH? Mr. Harper, you had better come clean on your decision to bring these boys home soon and not extent the Canadian troops beyond the time limits you set. This is no longer a war, but babysitting and death due to babysitting is not the Canadian way.

looks like the Quebecers have made a quiet stir again about leaving Canada. some 400 protesters took to the streets on Sunday to celebrate the death of the Meech Lake accord that took place 20 years ago.
it was a far cry from the 1990 street mob of 160,000 that flooded the streets and interupted an Expos game in Montreal.
it seems the "quiet revolution" has replaced the storming of the bastille!? in any event, the Bloc Leader, Gilles Duceppe, is about to tour Canada with his separatist views and hit on other provinces like Newfoundland, BC and Alberta to rethink their position in the Great White North and begin to think about independence.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....bye bye all you losers that think it would be nice not to be under the Canadian Flag...i would be glad to see you go.
HERE'S THE DEAL: 1. you pay your portion of the debt.
(the largest contributors to the federal debt are BC, Alberta, Quebec and Ontario.) BIG SURPRISE THERE. the cost....millions.
2. hand back all CANADIAN currency. which means you would have to sink millions up front to create your own currency, the cost....millions.
3. stop all CANADA PENSION for those eligible within those provinces. (remember, the yuppies will soon be at the door of Canada Pension eligibility) the cost....there goes millions more.
4. infastructure of education, healthcare, new tax laws, government restructuring, legal systems, law enforcement....and the list goes on. the cost... MILLIONS AND MILLIONS MORE.

WHO WILL PAY FOR ALL THESE NEW FOUND FREEDOMS???? the little flag waving losers that thought being away from momma Canada would be cool! i compare these ideals to that of a teenager who thinks his parents know nothing and rebels....and after thinking that they are wiser than the parents, leaves to see what its like on their own. good luck....BUT REMEMBER....Momma Canada is not going to be there to pick you up or do your laundry after you go!!!

instead of provinces like Quebec asking "what have you done for me lately?" maybe we all should be asking "how can we make this country STRONGER?"


Canada is one of the planet's most comfortable, and caring, societies. The United Nations Human Development Index cited the country as the most desirable place in the world to live. This year a World Bank study named Canada the globe's second wealthiest society after Australia.

Time magazine

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