Good Morning,
I DO BELIEVE YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO PROTEST. that being said, i DO NOT believe that random violence and destruction of public property is a PROTEST.
as any law abiding Canadian can, your right to protest anything from pink flowers along a main street to the G20 summit is yours. the ugliness that broke out today in downtown Toronto was not protest by VANDALISM. the most disturbing part is that these COWARDS known as the BLACK BLOCK, clad in all black garb, dressed as the rest of the protesters and later broke away, removing plain clothes and wearing black. not only was it their disguise that disturbed us, but the violent destruction of property. NO banners were carried, NO chants were heard and NO sign of the reason for their march. the destruction of the downtown area will cost ontario/canada big bucks....add that to the 1.1 billion this 3 day fiasco started. after the wave of violence and many attempts to break police lines, the BLACK BLOCK then melted back into the crowd and removed black clothing, returning to street clothes as the rest of the peaceful demonstrators.
what was the purpose of the violence today??? some say to show the big corporations that the little guy is fighting back, some say is was to show the leaders that not everything they say and do in the next 2 days is ok with the people.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....TAKE YOUR SORRY ASS ANTICS ELSEWHERE !!!! legitimate protesters were injured because of your violent nonsense and their right to protest was curbed by your stupid senseless antics.
I DON'T CONDONE VIOLENCE IN ANY SHAPE OR my blog history and i am sure you will see that.
SO A WORD FOR ALL YOU BLACK BLOCK HOODLUMS......go the hell home!!!!!
(and take the queen with you)
the other thing in the news today, or shall i say not in the news today, was that the Australian representative, one PM Rudd did not come to the G8 or the G20. wanna know why......? well it seems his own party decided that Mr. Rudd had done enough damage to his party and country and they voted him out. i do believe that this has been in the works for a while, but only sprung by the covent just before the summits so that it appeared suddenly to the people of Australia. the new acting PM is a woman... YOU READ IT RIGHT...A WOMAN. from past news articles, she seems to not be totally on the level and has her own agenda. its sad really, WHERE DID DEMOCRACY GO??? how can a country get a new leader just because his own party says so?? why are the people not deciding? we will find out in a month or so when Aussies go back to the voting booths and vote in a federal election again. i have a feeling that this was a last ditch effort by Rudd's party to maintain some form of leadership and repair damage done. the opposition is crawling back out of disrespect and making positive waves in the polls. i think their fear is losing the election in a few months. unfortunately, i don't think the image of this woman will bolster any positive poll support for the party and they will indeed lose the next election. YOU HEARD IT HEAR FIRST......NEWS FLASH : SHORT LIVED WOMAN PRIME MINISTER LOSES ELECTION IN AUSTRALIA....
i am jumping back to the protesters now.....
so with all the craziness going on downtown, what were the issues of the protesters?
unfortunately we will never know that because the media, trying to gain ratings, decided that images of burning police vehicles and black clad goons was more important than the issues of the march.
when will the MEDIA learn that we are not just a bunch of stupid Alberta cows standing around in the field?!!!! we are conscious, we breathe, we think and we can comprehend what it is that these handful of people are all about during this 3 day government spending spree.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....STOP TREATING THE CANADIAN PUBLIC LIKE MINDLESS IDIOTS AND GET TO THE REAL ISSUES. it is time that the Canadian media stop acting like the American media and get back to real journalism, NOT this whitewash shit they call news.
done for now!
QUOTE OF THE DAY............
“There may be times when we are powerless to prevent injustice, but there must never be a time when we fail to protest.”
Elie Wiesel....nobel prize winner 1986
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