Friday, December 28, 2012

Happy Early New Year!!!!

Let's see if in the news, people of the world are becoming more conscious of each other and the basic needs.
Canadians were polled about trusting scientists and their opinions.
- 71% somewhat trusted them about medicines.
- 65% somewhat trusted them about climate change.
- only 45% said they somewhat trusted them about modified foods. (genetic modification)

Swapping Guns For Groceries
In California this Christmas, swapping guns for groceries took place. (amazingly, the article appeared in BBC and not in MSNBC) thousands of handguns, rifles and semi/automatics were traded in for food cards at a grocery store. Sadly, the police noted that these people with these guns probably would not have been involved in gun deaths. This leads me to believe that America still needs the big stick to feel good.

The Fiscal Cliff
Since people and corporations of the USA seem to be getting farther apart in capitalism, the Cliff has arrived. This will determine who pays what?? The interesting part is.....will corporate finally pay?

Apple CEO
Looks like Apple CEO is taking (or was handed) a pay cut. It is down to 4.2 million. Big deal. What has this guy done for the world??? Has he fed the poor, donated to charity, cleaned up water or slowed pollution? NO. No one deserves to be paid that kind of cash.

Private Zuckerberg Family Photo
A photo of Mark Zuckerberg's sister appeared on a site. She did not seem to be happy that it went public. Sorry to tell ya, but if you create that allows public access, you bear the consequences!

FINALLY .... the world's most POLLUTING COUNTRY! Congratulations CHINA for this esteemed accolade. How sad that a country that supplies most of the material goods in the world to other countries tops this list. Most of the free world trades with or is debted to China. Who is the real superpower now?!

Is there any nice news???

Calgary man creates a giant FREE ice rink for the public...get your skates on Alberta.

Muslims and Catholics come together for a food drive in London, Ontario.

Santa uses sign language to speak to a deaf boy.

Swiss Parliament to pass legislation to BAN plastic bags. (will the rest of the world do the same?)

ALL I COULD FIND....sorry!
Happy New Year World!!!! (see if you can create some good news this year for the world)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Guns & America....Why do they insist it is a "god given" right?

Hi Everyone,
I have been reading a lot about the tragedy in the USA with regards to the latest killing spree in a school. It strikes me strangely, angrily and sadly that American people still feel the right to own multiple weapons or for that matter, a weapon at all. I have some statistics for you......

- In 2003, there were 30,136 firearm-related deaths in the United States; 16,907 (56%) suicides, 11,920 (40%) homicides (including 347 deaths due to legal intervention/war), and 962 (3%) undetermined/unintentional firearm deaths.

CDC/National Center for Injury Prevention and Control, WISQARS Injury Mortality Reports 1999-2003

- The rate of death from firearms in the United States is eight times higher than that in its economic counterparts in other parts of the world.

Kellermann AL and Waeckerle JF. Preventing Firearm Injuries. Ann Emerg Med July 1998; 32:77-79.

- The overall firearm-related death rate among U.S. children younger than 15 years of age is nearly 12 times higher than among children in 25 other industrialized countries combined.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report, 1997;46:101-105.

- The United States has the highest rate of youth homicides and suicides among the 26 wealthiest nations.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

- Rates of homicide, suicide, and firearm-related death among children: 26 industrialized countries.

MMWR. 1997;46:101-105.

Krug EG, Dahlberg LL, Powell KE. Childhood homicide, suicide, and firearm deaths: an international comparison. World Health Stat Q.

I hope you read this carefully. in the year 2011, the USA alone accounted for 8,583 deaths by use of a firearm. So how does this compare to other countries in that year? Let's see shall we....
- Canada 143
- Switzerland 68
- Australia 59
- Japan 47
- United Kingdom 14
What the hell is going on in the United States that isn't going on in these other countries. These 5 other countries have thriving economies, they have political clout on the world scene.
The semi-automatic rifle used in the latest killings in Connecticut is sold in almost every Walmart in the country. Walmart just removed it from its online catalogue, but still holds in their stores. 13% of its firearm sales goes to the assault rifle used in this latest shooting.

"The US has the highest gun ownership rate in the world - there are 89 guns for every 100 Americans, compared to 6 in England and Wales."

The NRA (national rifle association) issued a vague statement saying that they would take steps to help prevent this.......BUT in the last election, the NRA contributed 25 million dollars to campaigns.
When does a country wake up and see that the interests of corporations, associations and financial sectors are being catered to and protected over and above the rights of individuals for whom the laws were made for????
1. that I live in a country that does not obsess over weapons.
2. that my country does not have to carry a big stick to gain respect.
3. that I don't feel the need to carry or posses a gun.
4. that since I don't obsess, my children will never have access to a gun.
5. that 143 deaths due to firearms in my country may be low, but it is 143 too many.
6. that I do not live in the USA.
Sorry America, it is sad, but empathy for your shootings is becoming harder and harder to show when you show no effort in fixing the problem that is so oblivious.
Quote of the day......

Gun control? We need bullet control! I think every bullet should cost 5,000 dollars. Because if a bullet cost five thousand dollar, I am sure we would think twice about wasting it on someone.
Chris Rock

Monday, December 17, 2012

December 21, 2012....Is It Significant?

Hello Everyone,
I wanted to talk a bit about this particular date. The mainstream news media is buzzing about it, Christians believe it is the end of the world, others believe in the earth's poles shifting and still others say we are doomed because the governments of the world are building shelters for a select few.
So what the hell is really going to happen??
Well first, maybe we should look at significant events in the last few years to see if any of them are leaning towards one of these outcomes.
Let's first deal with mainstream media shall we.
What does the media have to do with this prolific date? NOTHING~ "What do you mean, nothing?" you ask. The media is paid to sensationalize all of the above categories to sell a story. The real purpose is to steer the populace away from real stories that are happening on this globe. "What stories?" you may ask. Just watch the national news at night and you will see. Iran and their so called uranium buildup....are they really doing it? The people of world will never know, the media is so one-sided. What about school shootings that have plagued the USA in the last few years and the need for better gun control. What about the Palestinian plight and their fight to be recognized as a country through the UN. What about the lack of information (non-existent) about the status of the Japanese nuclear plants that practically melted down.
NO won't get your answers from the media.
So if not the media, what about the end of the world by some of the Christian sects? Could Armageddon or the End Times be near? The people that followed Jimmy Jones did and the cult that thought their alien brothers were going to take them to a new dimension after mass suicide. Has Christianity identified the Anti-Christ yet? Is this really the last pope to sit on the throne according to some monk? Has the 7 signs of the apocalypse begun? Probably not! The imagination of the human race does get carried away with its religious fanaticism.
So if not the religious end, then it must be the impending pole shift that will cause the almost extinction of the human race??
Are there any signs of this? Let's see.....
- one of the largest earthquakes recorded happened in Japan a little more than a year ago. Their nuclear plants all but finished. What is going on with that? Is no news good news, or is no news just a way of masking a real issue to come.
- weather shifts. snow in the middle east, severe sub zero cold in Europe, no snow in North America. Look outside, do we have snow yet?
- strange noises in the sky. People have been reporting from all over the world, and recording strange noises. Is the HARP system doing something to the ionosphere that we don't know about? Is it weakening our atmosphere and letting in cosmic sounds, or worse harmful radiation from solar flares?
- dead animals falling from the sky and beaching themselves on shorelines. Has nature figured out something we have not? Is a pole shift really causing birds to circle and drop dead? Or causing record numbers of whales, dolphins and sharks to beach themselves?
- climate change. Are the poles melting or is it just a natural occurrence that man cannot fathom because they have never witnessed it before? Is climate change really affecting our weather from pollution? Pollution at the peak of the industrial revolution when mass industry began was worse than it is now. There were no laws restricting emissions.
- volcanic eruptions. Are volcanoes to be the one natural phenomenon that will trigger a quick shifting ice age? Did the ash that entered the upper atmosphere from the Iceland eruption trigger the strangely bitter winter Europe had last year and the mild winter North America experienced? Is there some Supervolcano that is waiting to blow?
- chemtrails. Has the secret spraying of products like aluminum and other harmful chemicals into the atmosphere meant to control weather? Should mankind be so bold to think that he can control it? Are the affects of these trails in the sky meant to ignite illness to decrease the surface population to a sustainable level.
- vaccination frenzies. Do humans really need to be immunized from "potential pandemics"? Are we aware of what some of these shots are filled with? Are pharmaceutical companies using this tactic to scare the public into getting them for their profit margin?
- the impending collapse of the American market. Will this near future collapse create wide spread panic among nations? Will this be what China needs to take over as the impending power financially in the world?
- oil depletion. Is the current oil shortage or price hike real?
- mass consumerism. Do we contribute to landfills unnecessarily? Has our frenzy to consume rather than give back to earth doomed our water supply or depleted our soil?
- food shortages. Are we being scared into assuming that not enough food can be grown to sustain the population? Are we wasting valuable land to grow crops to sustain cattle rather than humans? What are the affects of chemically treated soils that can transfer into the food we consume? Has any of these chemicals triggered new diseases that never existed before?
- vitamins outlawed by the UN. Why has the UN almost all but outlawed vitamins and reintroduce deadly chemicals as safe to use in our food growth?
- Israel does no wrong. Why is the UN supporting a terrorist state like Israel? Why do countries turn a blind eye to what they are doing to the Palestinian peoples? Why does Israel scream to other nations about stopping middle eastern countries from developing their own nuclear technology when they have been developing their own program for decades?
- mass protests. Why are nations protesting in their streets against their leaders? Why is there suddenly a push for consciousness? Why are people in the USA camping out in places of finance to protest the growing gap between the lower class and upper class? Where has the middle class gone?

I have just given you lots of examples of change and questions to think about with regards to the direction that the human race is heading.
Could these be the signs people should have seen? Does it all come to a head December 21, 2012?
What I do know is that if i can name a hand full of issues that seem to be around the globe, then I am quite sure there are even more.
We need to STOP AND THINK about what is important to us, about what we need rather than what we want. Do you really need that new smartphone if the one you have is less than a year old, just because a new one is coming to market? Do you really need the generation Xbox? Do you really need a car that wastes gas? Do we really need to shut each other out with headphones rather than talk to each other? Has conveniences like the internet distanced us from each other rather than bring us together?
In the back of every skeptics mind there is that tiny voice saying....what if December 21 is it? Are you prepared?
Good Luck.
What I believe is that the world and the humans that live on it will realize they cannot control this blue ball, it controls them. I believe that a new wave of consciousness will be ushered in where people will realize materialism and all it's emptiness buys nothing but a hollow feeling. I believe that the need to reunite with the earth and stop the disease of garbage, unclean water and chemicals will be realized.
I BELIEVE THAT MANKIND WILL DO THE RIGHT THING....only after it hits bottom.
My analogy there is an alcoholic. The saying goes "you cannot cure or save an alcoholic until he/she has hit rock bottom."
Only when we hit "Rock Bottom" will be begin a new consciousness, a new way to live, a new humankind.
We will enter this new age of enlightenment....some will enter with eyes open, some will need persuasion, others will be carried in kicking and screaming and those that don't enter...they will perish like the dinosaurs before them.
Be Enlightened!

Monday, October 29, 2012


73 Earthquakes in 2011
62 Earthquakes in 2012
Economic losses
Economic losses overall were over $5 million for direct losses, but will exceed $594 billion over the next few years, mainly in Japan, Christchurch (NZ), and Sikkim (actually affecting many countries from India, Tibet (China), Bhutan, and Nepal as far as Bangladesh.)

"The Federal Emergency Management Agency has estimated that earthquakes cost the United States, on average, over $5 billion per year,"
(this is the USA damages alone)

Japan’s government estimated the damage from this month’s record earthquake and tsunami at as much as 25 trillion yen ($309 billion), an amount almost four times the hit imposed by Hurricane Katrina on the U.S.

So why are we not paying more attention to Earthquakes? Hurricanes affect the area that they hit, while earthquakes affects are farther reaching, touching other countries other than the ones they happen in. Aftershocks are considered more deadly than the original quake and the tsunamis that could potentially be generated from them affect people oceans away. I was looking at a site online about earthquakes and oh hell I will just show you a sample of what it said. This is information about the Japan earthquake near Honshu   This event has been reviewed by a seismologist.

Magnitude 9.0

Date-Time Friday, March 11, 2011 at 05:46:24 UTC

Friday, March 11, 2011 at 02:46:24 PM at epicenter

Time of Earthquake in other Time Zones

Location: 38.297°N, 142.372°E

Depth: 30 km (18.6 miles) set by location program


Distances: 129 km (80 miles) E of Sendai, Honshu, Japan

177 km (109 miles) E of Yamagata, Honshu, Japan

177 km (109 miles) ENE of Fukushima, Honshu, Japan

373 km (231 miles) NE of TOKYO, Japan

Location Uncertainty: horizontal +/- 13.5 km (8.4 miles); depth fixed by location program

Parameters: NST=350, Nph=351, Dmin=416.3 km, Rmss=0.1 sec, Gp= 29°,

M-type=centroid moment magnitude (Mw), Version=A


Event ID usc0001xgp
If you look at the information it tells you a few important things.
Where it was, where it was centered and how deep bellow the surface of the earth it was. I am sure that there are other sites that can give you more details, but I need to ask a question here.

If we know so much about it after it happens and it is doing incredible damage and death to nations while it happens, then why are we not trying to find ways to know about it before it happens?
Earthquakes kill more people and damage more property than hurricanes annually, but we are still more interested in controlling the weather???
If we can measure the aftershock, pinpoint the center, why can't we tell the world its comming before it happens? Maybe we need to devise ways of measuring the pressure?
It is incredibly sad watching the aftermath of earthquakes. Your heart dies a bit every time it is on the news. The devastation is horrible.

STOP spending money on war in the middle east.
STOP financing terrorist attacks.
STOP building up arms.
STOP manipulating markets.
STOP worrying about material things.
Without people on this planet there would be no Material Things.
Without people on this planet there would be nothing.
I do want comfort, I would be lying to say I didn't. But how much comfort, power, goods and THINGS do we need that they become more important that PEOPLE?

STOP....and look at what will sustain us, not what will make us obsolete.
DON'T MAKE US GO THE WAY OF THE DINOSAUR....we can be much smarter than this.
Enough Said....

Friday, October 26, 2012

Coach Suspended 10 years? Maybe!/ USA Election

Hi Everyone,
I just watched a video from Quebec where a brawl broke out at a hockey game. I was rather disgusted watching it. The refs were trying to control tempers near a player's bench, when one of the coaches from behind the bench PUNCHED a player. These kids are 16 yrs old. Not long after that, two players from the apposing team jumped a ref and put him on the ice and began hitting him.
What are adults teaching their children? What has elite hockey shown these kids?
This was suppose to be a non-contact league??!!! Wow!
The coach later apologized. BIG DEAL. NHL players have been legally charged for assault, will this coach? As for the kids that began to beat up the ref....if I were Hockey Quebec, these kids would never play again.
In fact, I believe Hockey Quebec should suspend both teams for the rest of the season and not allow players to be moved to other teams.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....make an example of them to any other kid and coach that feels he wants to take his emotions out on another kid's head.
Hockey Quebec and Ontario has had problems crop up in the last few years that has disgraced the game. It's time to stop slapping their hands and saying 'now don't do that again.'
If a university can pull its entire football team out of the university league for a year to clear up doping issues, then maybe its time leagues and organizations start doing the same for hockey violence and violations.
And as for the coach, I would not let him coach my dog, let alone my child. If a coach can lose his cool and hit a kid, who else's kid has he hit. Hockey can be a highly emotional sport, but the coach has to be bigger than the situation. If he can't do that, then he should not be coaching (anyone's kid)
IT TAKES A BIG MAN TO HIT A case you didn't get that, that was sarcasm.
If it ever happens again in an arena anywhere in Canada....for god sakes, SHUT THE RINK LIGHTS OFF. That usually stops it.

NOW....on to less important news.
I really have to tell you how disappointed I am with the Canadian media coating the air and television waves with the US election.
I AM CANADIAN!!! I could care less.
If I was American, I would be exercising my right to question and possibly take over my government. What exactly has either party done for the American people other than put them farther in debt. The Republicans are run by the Military Industrial Complex and they want to spend money on WAR. The Democrats are soaking the public with social programs that benefit very few. BOTH are putting Joe Public farther in debt. CAN YOU SAY TRILLIONS??!!!!
Why is it when you steal money from someone by misinformation you are a criminal and when governments do it its for the good of foreign policy or social programs??? In the paper shuffle the loser is you.
I really don't want to know if Obama and Romney are winning or losing debates. I don't care if they resort to name calling. I don't need to see it or hear it...I HAVE ENOUGH PROBLEMS WITH MY OWN GOVERNMENT and its deficit that has doubled.
OK CANADIANS.... it will cost every man woman and child....$1773.42 to pay off the debt right now. So for a family of 5 it will cost you $8867.14 a family.  Do you have that kind of cash stuffed in the mattress? I know I don't. Time to start being more fiscally responsible Mr. Prime Minister.
Oh, and one last thing.....STOP BELL CANADA FROM LETTING CHINA IN!!!! It's bad enough you want to chip my passport to know where I am, I don't need China knowing also.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Another Shining Federal Government Example??!!

"Toews said he wasn't convinced part-time chaplains from other religions were an appropriate use of taxpayer money and that he would review the policy. " quote. TOO review...he just cut them.

Hi Everyone,
I just read this! UNBELIEVEABLE!!!
IF YOU ARE GOING TO CANCEL CONTRACTS FOR DENOMINATIONAL FAITH CHAPLAINS OTHER THAN CHRISTIAN....then get rid of them ALSO. I cannot emphasize enough the need for separation of CHURCH & STATE. If there is a need for inmates to have faith then let them watch services on television like every other under the poverty line senior does. In fact, save us the chaplain and give his wage to them.
Why the hell are we paying for someone to administer religious remedy for just christians??? If you give the right to ONE...then do them all. If you don't want to do that and show your obvious multi-cultural bias, then swallow your own faith and rid the system of them all.
It sickens me to think that the government is supporting christianity over anyone sickens me that the government is supporting ANY RELIGION.
Your FAITH is your freedom of choice....if you choose to be Muslim, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish or whatever, the state should not be funding you. You choose to be that....SUPPORT YOURSELF.
I did not vote for a Christian representive, I voted for someone to look out for my public interests. AND I SAID "PUBLIC" NOT RELIGIOUS.
I think what Vic Toews did was WRONG! Stop paying for something we should have no business in. If the christian community wants chaplains in the jails, let them pay to have them there to covert the wicked.
Besides the christian churches are rich enough...they do not need my money to survive....they need the lonely sad people who are shelling out cash to keep these hypocrites in the positions they have.
ENOUGH SAID..........
Quote Of The Day....

"Kill them all, for God knows His own."

— Pope Innocent III, to his troops in the Albigensian Crusade of 1209
(doesn't that just sum it up in a nutshell for ya. And that from a Pope.)

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Liberals With Weak Pay Freeze For Public Sector

Hi Everyone,
I was reading today about the platform for wage freezes that the Liberal Government wants to pass. It says after their existing contracts run out, the pay freeze will take affect for 2 yrs.
SO TELL ME SOMETHING....why is it that we are forcing the civil servant sector to take a pay freeze in the first place?? CAN YOU SAY...oops we spent too much of your money Ontario!!!!
So here is how I would like to see the politicians contribute to this mess.
1. ALL expenditures that are not "riding related" should be CUT.
2. ALL expenditures for cars and food should be CUT.
3. FLIGHTS to a "riding" should be minimized to 4 a year. (if you are in a 6 hr driving distance, use your own vehicle)
4. If you need to get home more often, it comes out of your pocket. (if you don't like the drive....MOVE YOUR FAMILY TO YOUR JOB)
5. ALL Ontario government politicians that sit in the house will take a 3 yr pay freeze as a sign of good faith to the public as a "I AM SORRY FOR WASTING YOUR MONEY."
6. ALL summer recesses will be unpaid.
SO YOU ARE PROBABLY THINKING.... why are you being so hard on the politicians???
well for lots of reasons really
1. Its not just a Liberal blunder....I blame all parties for this mess.
2. While we suffer through tax hikes, rising fuel costs, soaring hydro and food costs, these monkeys can't even stop whining enough to say...ya we need to show some solidarity with the public who is getting hit hard. (just ask the Feds, they whined when Harper threatened to cut some of their funding)
AND 3. The biggest reason of all.....THEY ARE HERE TO SERVE US. Not the other way around. Politicians seem to think that playing games with public funding is just numbers on a paper. Most of them DO NOT rely on the political wage to keep their families going.
KNOW WHAT I SAY....before they vote for things that could cost the average Joe money, before they make decisions that will reduce the quality of life for people, before they unconsciously vote for the party line and not look at the true facts, maybe they should read a plaque on their desks and is hung in ALL government houses.....I WILL DO WHAT IS BEST FOR THE PEOPLE THAT ELECTED ME TODAY!
Enough said....
Quote of the day:  "You can only govern the people by serving them."

— Victor Cousin, French philosopher (1792-1867)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Logos and Merging Education

Hi Everyone,
I read two articles tonight. One was about ''logo free cigarettes'' and the other was about an Ontario political party calling for the end of religious school funding.
When I was a kid the price of cigarettes in this country were $1.19 for a pack of 25. If I really wanted cigarettes I could have scoured the ditches and roadsides for pop bottles to cash in and buy them. There were no laws in place to stop me from buying them at all. As I got older, the government health agencies decided that smoking was no longer cool and could possibly be a risk to my health. The government was making good tax dollars off of each pack so decided that an increase in the price would deter youth from taking up the habit. That didn't work!!!!!
I got a little older and the government health agencies decided that it was a risk to your health so the price went up again. Then something really strange started to happen....SMOKERS BEGAN TO QUIT. The quitters joined the crusade and decided that to get more people to quit, they would campaign the government to put health warning adds on the sleeve inside. DID THAT WORK??? Nope. As I got even older, it got worse. The once unheard of anti-smoking movement grew and the mayhem exploded. Photos on packages, warnings of secondhand smoke, banning of smoke in public places. DID THAT WORK??? Nope.
Now the anti-smoking groups want plain blah olive green packaging on all tobacco product. WILL THAT WORK??? Nope.
What these morally just people don't realize is that all the price hikes, all the warnings, all the ugly packaging, all the drab colours will not make someone quit. Smoking is an addiction....not a social/unsocial habit or pass time. Rather than demean the masses, why don't these agencies help find a cure for the addiction.
Cancer charities make TONS OF MONEY. The government makes TONS OF MONEY. The tobacco industry makes TONS OF MONEY.
KNOW WHAT I SAY...go ahead, change the package colour, increase the price and make Canada smoke free. I will rise early that morning with me smokeless morning coffee with a huge smile on my face! I will open my kitchen window and place a hand to me ear.....and listen. Ahhh the sweet sound of the cries of the non-smokers weeping and whaling. The sounds of the " This is not fair. I should not have to pay for this???" outrage.
OUTRAGE....YES... for this will be the sweet smokeless morning that the government will be forced to raise the taxes of all Canadians to compensate for the lost revenue of the cigarette tax.
WHY AM I NOT may ask? WHY DO I NOT WEEP FOR MY SMOKELESS COFFEE? WHY AM I NOT KICKING AND SCREAMING for my right to smoke???? I can tell you why I will not be upset!
I HAVE BEEN PAYING THIS TAX FOR is no different than in it was the day before smokefreedom for me.

The Green Party is in the news! How interesting that they decide to speak about something other than....what should be green!
A local representative that is running in the by-election says that we need to merge the Catholic school system into the public system.
I am an atheist. I don't feel my tax dollars should be supporting a singular religious school and public schools. How do I benefit from this?
Do Jewish schools, Muslim schools, Buddhist schools or Satanic schools get funded???? NO WAY JOSE!! Some Catholic schools discriminate in the hiring of teaches because they are not Catholic.
I think it is time to truly separate church and state. I think it's time to be realistic in this day and age and realize that religion should have no part of politics and vice versa. You want to pray, go to your local church, temple, mosque or shrine. You want to learn about your faith, attend a Sunday school or a Tuesday school....what ever day you celebrate your faith. But leave the OVERBURDENED TAX PAYERS OUT OF IT!!!! I feel that in the situation our Country is in financially, we would be wise to visit and enforce this idea.
I am not saying just get rid of these faith schools, I am saying....STOP FUNDING THEM. You want to learn about religion in a classroom setting, charge tuition and open your own PRIVATE SCHOOL. Then you can teach what ever the hell you want. (I personally like the one about god as the flying spaghetti monster)
GO GREEN PARTY....congrats for speaking up about something that should never have been started in the first place. Oh....and don't forget to recycle and reduce emissions.
Enough Said....
Quote Of The Day.......
"I'm completely in favor of the separation of Church and State. My idea is that these two institutions screw us up enough on their own, so both of them together is certain death."
George Carlin

Sunday, July 22, 2012


the pool


my stick





morning swim

one vehicle


morning fog

from the balcony

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

How Free Are We???

I have lived in Canada most of my life! It's a great really is~
We have clean water, open spaces, room for others and a culture that is tolerant.......rrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrscreechhhhh....DID I JUST SAY "TOLERANT"?????
So let's weigh our freedom, our water, our open spaces and our culture shall we....
Let's start with water....we are the second largest country in the world with the 3rd largest renewable water source. 3rd only to Brazil and Russia. WOW~ Unfortunately our fresh water has been decreasing over the years. Is it global warming? I THINK NOT. Is it water going missing? PROBABLY! FACT 1: GREAT LAKE levels have steadily decreased since 1997. FACT 2: due to increased population, more water is being used without being conscious of it. FACT 3: With low snowfall, evaporation and weather patterns changing the lakes will continue this trend.
HOW IMPORTANT IS WATER TO YOU>>> its worth more than your house, your cottage, your sports car, your bank account, even your job. WITHOUT WATER, WE DON'T EXIST.
What about these big companies that lure us into buying water in a bottle?? What makes their water better than what comes out of the tap? NOTHING!!!! Most of the water you see in bottles now is coming from a tap somewhere. SAVE YOURSELF THE COST OF KEEPING THEM IN BUSINESS FOR SOMETHING THAT SHOULD BE FREE....use a Brita.
Let's talk a little about open spaces shall we. WE HAVE TONS OF IT!!!! But we can't live there....a majority of the population of Canada lives in cities that cling to the southern border. The average property size if you buy in or near the cities is 50 x 100 and the price could cost you up to half a million. SO MUCH FOR WIDE OPEN SPACES???
Now let's talk about tolerance....its a sad day when you read in the news that a major bank is closing accounts on people because of their place of birth....YOU READ ME RIGHT!!!!
The TD bank is closing peoples accounts with a simple letter. SORRY, but according to a government law we can no longer service you as a customer. THE END. These people, some Canadian born, with a heritage that hails from Iran are having their accounts terminated.
WE ARE NOT FREE PEOPLE.... we are registered and taxed from birth, we are forced to be educated in a system that allows the struggling to slip through the cracks, we are forced to be vaccinated or we cannot enter the educational system, we are forced to pay dearly for post secondary education, we are in or under debt before we get a real job, (if one can be found) we struggle to buy all that the big companies say we need, we live from paycheck to paycheck because jobs are going to China for 14c an hour, we pay for water, car/fishing and any other licence the government dreams about that would line the coffers, we work long hrs and work longer in life, we even pay taxes when we die!!!!
WE ARE A SLAVE TO THE SOCIETY WE HAVE CREATED AND LET IT GET OUT OF CONTROL.... we allow the rich to get richer and we allow the rich to make us poorer. We allow governments to pass any law they like because they tell us it will be good for us. We don't elect anyone with BALLS that could change the madness...and even if we could find someone like that....where would they begin???
WE ARE NOT FREE....WE ARE George Orwell's "1984" An unconscious slave to what a handful of people want.
The necessity of life is something we pay for.....WATER!
They already gotcha where it hurts.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....STOP buying water, get a Brita and drink from the tap to start with~ STOP paying beyond your means for a mortgage that you will carry to your grave~ STOP letting politicians tell you what is good for you and START telling them what it is you want~ STOP banking where ALL CANADIANS ARE NOT TREATED EQUALLY~
STOP....just stop and think.
Enough SAID....

Quote of the Day

"Freedom is never voluntarily given by the oppressor; it must be demanded by the oppressed."
Martin Luther King, Jr

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Tubing: Elora Gorge

Hi Everyone,
Just a few days ago I went tubing in Elora Gorge. It was stationed in a park run by the Grand River Conservation Association. I was excited because I felt that tubing would be a more relaxing experience rather than a white water rafting trip I took some years ago.
I called ahead for information. I felt that the price was reasonable and asked my friends if they were interested in going.
We went on the Friday. (just so ya know, the walk is long to and from the start and stop points and shuttles are only on weekends) The idea of a walk did not detour me.
We arrived at the starting point and there was a person there in a lawnchair with a first aid kit. I thought that this was odd, but did not question it.
I asked, "where is the best place to start?" My answer was rather vague.
"Depends on whether you want to go thru the rapids or not."
I will tell you now, at the rental site we were not warned about river speed, rocks or currents. No one pointed out whether we were signing a waiver for injury and the person in the lawnchair never inquired about our skill level.
We figured that the rapids didn't look that bad. I tucked my double-bagged Blackberry in the front of my swimsuit, clipped on my water bottle, donned my helmet and lifejacket and pushed the tube into the water. YES I BROUGHT MY BB!!! I FIGURED I COULD GET SOME NICE PICTURES ON THE MEANDERING WATERWAY.
At the first set of rapids, I fell off the tube (no handles on it or tether) I went under several times and was dragged with the force of the current. I hit a few rocks in the water and ended up with a welt on my shin that stuck out a good inch. 100yrds later, I finally got some footing in the current and figured my tube was long gone. I touched my chest to feel for my BB and found that it too was gone with the water bottle. SO FAR, NOT IMPRESSED!
I looked upstream and noticed the guy in the lawnchair had not budged and inch to see if we were ok. THAT PISSED ME OFF.
I called out to my friend, who is not a good swimmer if she was ok and then turned to look down stream and seen something floating. I told her that I was going to see if it was my BB. IT WAS....AND IT WAS DRY AND WORKING!! I walked back along the shore and noticed my friend was not fairing well. She was a bit tramatized by the water and going under. I sat her down and took off her jacket and helmut and told her to 'just breathe'.
After about 20 minutes we figured we would keep going, it couldn't get any worse then that right???? WRONG!
Another 5 minutes down we hit another set of rapids and got tossed again. By this time I had a sprained thumb and huge bruises on my legs from the rocks under the water. My friend was in a panick attack.
She wanted to walk the shore.
WORD OF ADVICE: WEAR RUNNING will save your feet.
So we walked. I figured she needed a bit of time to calm down. That did not happen. She did not wear runners but rather water shoes.
PEOPLE....DON'T WEAR WATER SHOES. They have no support and are horrible on the feet trying to walk on rocks.
We had to crisscross the river multiple times to avoid the current. She was afraid. UNDERSTANDABLY SO.... we had no warning of the river conditions.
After walking a long time, we finally hit a section of the river that seemed easier. The steep walls of the Gorge started to wain and i figured that this was a good clue to a calmer section. I guessed correctly.
I told her that it would be ok to get on the tube now. Her feet had taken a beating from the walk over the rocks. The last 25 minutes of the ride was easier and we came to the end.
When we got back to the rental shack, the person asked if I had enjoyed it?
NO.... I said. I said that I was not impressed with the lack of warning, lack of spotters, lack of exits from the gorge and the lack initiative on their part to warn us.
His reply was ...."well you signed a waiver!"
KNOW WHAT I DID...I lost it.
"What waiver? Did you tell me I was signing one? Did you post warning signs? Did you post river conditions? NO, NO AND NO!
There was a woman there with her child. The child was about 10yrs old. She stood horrified as I spoke. She did not stand there long and walked off with her child.
To me.....signing a waiver is not an appropriate way of covering your ass. I felt the park should have had warning signs up, river conditions posted and should have made people aware that they were signing a waiver and why. The park should have posted spotters with walkie talkies along the tube route in case of injury as well as having some means of exit/escape out of the Gorge in a few spots along the way.
I do not recommend this tubing site to anyone!
KNOW WHAT I SAY....SHAME ON YOU GRCA for not preparing people better.
Quote of the Day.....
"if you don't tell someone that it is dangerous, they will assume its could be one step away from a lawsuit. Its called 'neglect'."

Thursday, June 28, 2012

Let Us Reduce Emmissions the Feds Say....HA

Hi Everyone,
It seems that VIA rail will be forced to cut out 2 key runs from Kitchener to Toronto in the fall. The reduced subsides by the Feds will cost this community BIG TIME.
The 6am train and the 10pm return will be cut due to VIA rail's attempts to trim their budget. These two runs are key to commuters who use the service. Not to mention the risk of adding to our carbon footprint/pollution in Southern Ontario.
What I want to know is what happened to the $691.9 million the federal government announced in 2007 for improvements to revitalize rail service in Canada???
"The cuts fly-in-the-face of environmentally-sound choices," said Mayor Carl Zehr of Kitchener . This is the most regressive decision the Harper government has ever made for the citizens of Waterloo Region. IS IT TIME TO WRITE YOUR MP NOW??? HELL YES!
Apparently reducing traffic, accidents, congestion and polllution isn't high on our PM's list.

Roundabouts...Are They Safe??
In the past 3 years the KW and Cambridge area has become the region of roundabouts. Are they safe?? Most drivers are learning that they are ok. I do have one problem though...pedestrians!!!
I do not think that the region has considered carefully enough the ramifications of putting roundabouts in high traffic pedestrian areas. I know first hand what it is like to try and cross the existing ones. Since there is nothing stopping vehicles from their SMOOTH TRANSITION in the circle, it means that they are not aware of a body in the mix. The idea of roundabouts was introduced to save the cities money and upkeep of traffic lights. How do we protect children that have to cross these circles that are trying to get to school? Most motorists barely see people on motorbikes let alone a small child.
Since the introduction of these circles, little education of the public has happened. I spoke to my friend that moved here from Europe and she feels that drivers are not using them properly. In some European cities, there is not stopping before entering the circle and they are much bigger!
Maybe a driver awareness flyer in the mail should be distributed about how traffic should be governed when driving these circles? Maybe the size should have been better thought out when designing these so vehicles like CITY BUSES are not driving over the inner mediums to make the turn? Maybe areas with high pedestrian traffic, like near schools shouls stick with the traffic light? MAYBE IN OUR HURRY TO MOVE FORWARD AND SAVE MONEY IN THE REGION WE HAVE FORGOT THE MOST IMPORTANT!!!

BEWARE!!!!! A seven-foot boa constrictor may have escaped from a residence in Arthur. Police conducted an investigation and finally located and spoke to the owner of the snake who confirmed that the snake was in fact missing. MISSING??!!!! HOW THE HELL DOES SOMETHING 7 FEET LONG GO MISSING??? This snake could easily survive in this weather.
This, my friends, is why EXOTIC ANIMALS should NOT be allowed in the country as pets.
KNOW WHAT I SAY.....get a dog you idiot. You have just endangered your community because of your little/big man syndrome!!! Does the snake give you affection and snuggle with you? Can it fetch a stick? Can it wag its tail with joy? Does it greet you at the door when you come home? NO, NO, NO & NO!!!!!
The government needs to have a hard look at laws about exotic pets. In the Midwest in the USA, a lake has been found to have pirahna! Yes you read that right!!!! And guess what? Studies show that the piranha are capable of sustained life in colder waters!!! HOW'S THAT FOR YOUR FAVORITE SWIMMING HOLE?!
KNOW WHAT I SAY......get a dog! Get off your lazy arse and walk it. 1. it will give you some exercise. 2. it will love you back. 3. it won't eat the neighbour's dog or cat.

It looks like one of the major Christian Groups in the USA has given up on curing "homosexuality." WOW! And its about time! Being gay is not a spiritual is what people are. IDIOTS!
QUOTE...."600 Exodus ministers and followers are gathering for the group's annual conference, held this year in a Minneapolis suburb. The group's president, Alan Chambers, told The Associated Press on Tuesday that the conference would highlight his efforts to dissociate the group from the controversial practice usually called ex-gay, reparative or conversion therapy." Their leader said that the word "CURE" was not the appropriate word to use to for those that struggle with the affiction. AFFLICTION???
Turning someone from Gay to Straight through prayer and meditation is like a doctor trying to cure you of being a Muslim to Christian. It's ridiculous and can't be done. Being Gay is not a choice. People don't just wake up and say.....hmmmmm I think I will become gay today?!
My guess is that their homophobic cure through prayer was about as effective as giving an aspirin to a cancer patient.
The Exodus International group said that their success rate was not good. In fact, they had failed to convert/cure. The failure rate was 99.9%! LMAO. (one giant leap backwards for christianity ruling the world)

5000 Public Servants to lose their jobs! Thanks Harper for making Canada and Canadians your #1 priority!!!
Job losses will hit Human Resources, Skill Development Canada as well as Canada Revenue Agency. INTERESTING...human resource and skill developement...were these not the areas that the government spent tons of money on in advertisements to help drive this sector???
WANNA SAVE SOME CASH HARPER.... slash the limo transportation at the parliment buildings and force MPs and Senators to take the shuttle buses provided already. Stop overspending by all MPs and make them more fiscally responsible by reporting their spendings publicly quarterly.
(in fact, cut out their expense accounts all together. They already get paid for the privilege of serving their country. Ask the Canadian Armed Forces,do they get limos, transport and food expenditures?) Get rid of the Senate...what the hell do they do anyway? This would eliminate wages and pensions. IT'S TIME MR. PRIME MINISTER to show Canadians that if you want us to tighten our belts in this economic downturn then you will do the same. LEAD BY EXAMPLE FOR A CHANGE!
Quote of the Day
In a letter to "Dear Abby" a reader complained that a gay couple was moving in across the street and wanted to know what he could do to improve the quality of the neighborhood. Her suggestion - 'You could move.'
Gotta Love Dear Abby!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

What The Heck Is Not Going On In Elliot Lake?

So Friends,

I ask....what the hell is not going on in Elliot Lake.

The roof of a mall collapsed on Friday trapping, to date they think, 12 people. No one seems to know if they are dead or alive.

Rescue workers and miners showed up to volunteer to help in finding people in the rubble. Police have stopped them.

The search was called off Sunday evening due to NO ONE KNOWING WHAT THE HELL THEY WERE DOING!!!!!

Why was the military not deployed immediately? Why did the mayor of the town not call the Premier of Ontario and demand help immediately? Why is the Federal Government waiting to be invited to help out its own citizens on their own soil? Why wasn't someone sent there to organize and assess the problem immediately? IF ANYONE may be to late due to hesitation and bureaucratic BS now.

The citizens of Elliot Lake are furious that they have had no one come to assist them. They have been left in limbo and await the fate of anyone they knew that is under that rubble.

The government needs to spend some money where it is needed right now and it should not be to cart the fat arses of MPs to and from their offices in limos. Let them walk the 5 minute distance.

Let's stay with the government theme for a bit.....does this name sound familiar....Conservative Senator Patrick Brazeau. It should, he is another of our fine government politicians that spends less time doing what he was elected to do and more of what we don't know of. Senator Brazeau has only spent 25% of his required time in his seat in the senate. WHAT THE HELL DO WE NEED A SENATE FOR ANYWAY??? When asked by a reporter to comment about his absence he chose not to and then lashed out on some web site....calling the reporter a BIATCH. NICE TO SEE THAT OUR PARLIMENTARY HONOUR is in such good hands. It was said later that he apologized. BIG WHOOPI...he still didn't answer the question....WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN HIDING INSTEAD OF BEING IN YOUR SEAT IN THE SENATE Mr. Brazeau???

The Price At The Pump....Why is it that everytime some foreign idiot in the middle east jacks his finger on a trigger and shoots something or someone out of the sky in the name of Allah, Mohammad, God or Jesus does the price of gas have to go up??? Why is Russia and NATO circling Syria/Turkey??? Let them fight it out among themselves. Let them destroy their nation and peoples. LET THEM DEGRADE THEIR COUNTRIES TO THE LOWEST OF LOW. And when they ask for help....DON'T GIVE IT TO THEM. That would be aiding and arming a conflict which you have no business being in.

Why can't war be shoot at me, I shoot back. We would be the only two involved and the WORLD COULD CONTINUE TO GO ON IT'S MERRY WAY until our STUPIDITY has finally ended.

I WILL TELL YOU WHY THIS NEVER EVER HAPPENS....because the cost of lives is minor compared to the potential in profit to be made off of someone elses misery. There is no sacredness left in being HUMAN. We are but a byproduct of our replacement.....GREED.


Quote of the Day....

Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed
Mahatma Gandhi

Sunday, May 20, 2012


Hi Again,
I am totally amazed at what the Canadian public can take from its governments??!! Has the public fallen asleep and handed over their voice, liberties and questioning to a power that does what it wants?

* Student Protests in Quebec: the police can't handle it, the government tries to stop it. Where are the rights to protest? Why should you not be able to protest when your government makes a BONE-HEAD move? How have we let them just take over rather than the government representing our voice?

*Charlie & Camila are coming!!!! Who cares??? Who is paying???
Why do we continue to honour a devious, archaic, historically criminalistic and money sucking family that has NOTHING to do with Canada any longer??
Why can't our founding fathers be on our coin??? Save the fighter jet money Harper and put yourself on a coin.

*Salmon Farms force to cull: salmon farms in BC are being forced to cull almost half of their fish stocks due to a virus. Hmmmmm...I wonder what caused that? Can anyone say GM foods?

*Conrad Black: How did this FOREIGNER make it into our country? YES, I said foreigner. Conrad Black is not a Canadian...any longer. He gave up that PRIVILEGE when he decided to become a Lord of Britain.
Is it not a law that Canada will not allow people with criminal records into the country?? So why is Lord Black so lucky? Send him home to the country he ran to.

*Money going plastic: Wow! A great idea that has been realized by Australians for a long time. A long lasting currency that needs little roll over. Canada has a great opportunity here to finally do right by their Historical Prime Ministers and put them on their own currency.....
BUT WAIT???? I just seen the new 20 and guess what....a royal is yet again on its face. NEW 20=NEW QUEEN FACE. It just disgusts me to no end. What a proud and fine heritage we have in this country?!!!


*Victoria Grant: She is a 12 yr old child from Cambridge, Ontario that has single-handly explained the financial debt of Canada and produced a viable solution to clearing the national debt. I watched her speech online......YOU SHOULD TOO!!!

Enough Said.....Quote of the Day~

'The banks and the government have colluded to financially enslave the people of Canada.'—Victoria Grant, 12-year-old lecture.

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


Hi Everyone,

I want to talk about the earthquake in Oaxaca, Mexico on March 20th. It was 7.6. The north of Japan experienced a quake of 6.1 just days before. I don't think that it's over yet. Possibly there may be another in the next 2 days.

I said at the begining of the year that this would be "the year of the earthquake". So far I am right!

There seems to be a pattern emerging here it is.

I AM GOING TO PREDICT A MAJOR EARTHQUAKE IN SEPTEMBER. In fact, I am going to predict it to happen sometime between September 25 to the 29. It will be massive 7.0+ and with it....a shift in the pole.

I don't know if the pole shift is the cause of the quakes or the quakes are causing the pole shifts. What I figured out is that one seems to accompany the other.

Good Luck World....peace be with You.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

In Memory Of My Friend "Evie"

I walked with You today...
we shared memories of what use to make us laugh,
we shared the state of the country, the craziness of the world
and the weather that ruled the day.
we were aging, yet we were fearless
because we believed that we lead ordinary lives
and through our ordinary lives,
we would live a long time.

I walked with You today a long time...
we talked of things that meant a lot to us,
of things we could and could not control
and looked for the solutions to make it all better.
we were satisfied with our discussed victory
and hoped that we were not the only ones to see
the simple solution.
and silently prayed that it would all work out.

I walked with You today a long time in my memory...
I could hear Your quiet laugh
as we shared a joke or funny story.
You talked of a glass of wine,
a barbecue by the pool
and the latest thing your husband decided to renovate.
we spoke of Your eyes and what they meant to You.
we had serious thoughts about our hockey team
and what was needed to fix their dilemma.

I walked with You today a long time in my memory holding on...
today is a special day for You.
You are somewhere beautiful and free.
You are in a place that I cannot follow,
somewhere peaceful that we all strive to go to when we leave.
I am but a mortal still
trying to cope with mortality and Your step beyond it.
today, You are with me,
in my heart,
in my mind
and in my tears.
well tomorrow will be just another day
without You.
I miss You already Evie.

Quote Of The Day.....

“Real dishes break. That's how you know they're real. Real lives end. That's how you know you are mortal."
Martin Rubin

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Surveillance and Perk Cuts....What Do These Have In Common?


It seems the government really wants to get into your home?!!! That's right a bill it the floor of Parliament that wants to allow law enforcement the right to access your computer/Internet and snoop through what you do on line. WOW?? I expected this from the US, but I never expected it from my own government. One MP defended the bill saying it was a way to monitor child porn and its use. What bullshit!!!! Instead of worrying about the idiot that looks at it, worry about the guy that puts it up there.

this bill is too powerful and once again extends even more power to the few that the many once had. I don't need the government in my private affairs....unless they allow me access to theirs.....which leads into my next topic nicely.

Government affairs....the conservative party had a closed door meeting this week and one of the topics on the agenda was "Perk Cuts". AND ITS ABOUT GD TIME!!! Did the conservative caucus take the news well??? NOPE! They whined like spoiled brats (which they are) Currently their budgets allow them to travel 64 times a year in business class courtesy of the public. The leadership recommended that it be reduced to 54 and business class cut out. YEAH!!! One member said that it would mean that she spend less time with her family....SOLUTION: move them to your job! One member said that he got a lot of his work done while flying. SOLUTION: use your expensive office, that's what they gave it to you for. And one member said that he needed the extra flights to stay in contact with his constituents. SOLUTION: organize your time better so you can do both.

Right now due to the economic crunch that the conservatives said was not really affecting Canada, is forcing Canadians to tighten their belts and do more with less. The average parliamentary member has a 6 figure salary...if he or she wants to fly business class pay out of their own pocket to bump it up!!!!

its time the conservatives and the government in general show the Canadian People that they too are DOING THEIR PART!!!

Now on to the "Provincial Crisis". The Drummond report was released to the public yesterday. If you get a chance, look at it. The Butcher Has Arrived Ontario....and he is coming for you and what you consider a basic necessity. Here are a few of his recommendations.

Some of the key recommendations:
Cap health-care spending to 2.5 per cent a year to 2017-18.

this could cost the us to pay for: ultra sounds, reduced care for pregnant women.

Increase use of home-based care.

what this doesn't say is that you may have to buy health insurance to cover some of the costs for this.

No increases to doctors' pay.

this means that the struggle to keep doctors in Ontario will be wiped out in one quick change.

Cap growth of post-secondary education spending at 1.5 per cent a year to 2017-2018.

the cost to educate has not can you cap this?

Cancel all-day kindergarten, or delay full implementation.

full day kindergarten is almost essential. since the Ontario government is taxing us to death, we need to have a "2 Job Family" to make it. taking away full kindergarten does not allow that family to get ahead because now they are spending more on child care.

Increase average class size from 22 to 24 in Grade 9 to 12.

to increase a class size does 2 things: it over-burdens teachers that are already burning out early who not only teach children, but raise them as well; a child that is on the borderline of grasping knowledge may get pushed to the wayside because there is more children and less teacher to go around.

Reject further employer increases to Teachers' Pension Plan.

i believe teachers are worth paying for. their mine should be up to them to foster, not on the backs of the taxpayer.

Start charging for parking at GO Transit parking lots.

the filth of the Greater Toronto Area is caused due to traffic. to reduce fossil fuel consumption and pollution, the GO transit and trains are perfect. to charge for parking there is really incredibly stupid. you promote green, but charge them for making the change for the better??? who thought of that one??

Charge students to use school buses.

our tax dollars already pay for this. why doesn't the government just go full circle and charge tuition for high school and grade schools then??

Road tolls.

i have no problem with road tolls, BUT and this is a big BUT i don't believe that the toll charging like the 407 should be in place. put toll booths in, slow down traffic on the highways and i will cough up my 2 to 3 dollars...but i will not pay so much a kilometer like the 407. in fact, MY FORMAL PROTEST TO THIS IS...i never use it and refuse to promote this style of government greed.

Major Ontario cities need to ban cars that are big as in a lot of European fact, Ontario needs to start thinking smarter. Charge the person who wants to own a gas guzzler because it looks cool. The old boys club mentality has to change.

Start TAXING big business smarter to help reduce some of this. Make trucking companies organize better so they make less trips smarter.

Give tax breaks to the people that want to be green and encourage it! green cars, houses etc. Encourage and endorse better ways of doing things.

Cut internal government spending, travel, food etc. If you want to promote better living....LEAD BY EXAMPLE.

Cut our the fear and need for insurance. Have Canadians save that money by locking it into an account that can't be touched unless it is due to injury or crisis.

All I am saying is....instead of AXING every necessity, THINK OUTSIDE THE BOX FOR A CHANGE.

nuff said........


Earth provides enough to satisfy every man's need, but not every man's greed.

Friday, February 3, 2012

The Iceland Volcano Effect

Hi Everyone,

Remember long long ago when Mt. St Helen's erupted. It was splashed all over the news. The devastation was very vivid. Remember the following know...when we almost had to wear coats!! YES...remember brrrrr!

Not long after that frigid summer when temps drop below seasonal, the scientists said "it's because of the ash in the upper atmosphere which causes temperature change." Remember that?

Well has anyone looked at Europe this winter? Let me give you some highlights.

European cold snap death toll leaps !!

Russia hovering at -32c since late January.

64 deaths.


101 deaths.


5 deaths.


1 death.


8 deaths.


6 deaths.

It was so cold that some 1,500 swans, sea gulls and ducks froze to the ice in a small harbour near Ukraine's Black Sea port of Odesa, forcing emergency workers to use ships to break up the surface and free the birds, officials said.

In Croatia, some highways were closed and waters of the Adriatic Sea froze in some areas. Buses that travel from Zagreb, the capital, toward the coast have been cancelled. In Montenegro, the airport in the capital, Podgorica, was closed due to heavy snow.

Daytime temperatures have been hovering around –18C in Moscow.

So how upset should we all be that we get a bit of snow and then rain???

YOU SHOULD NOT BE AT ALL..... and if you do, just think of the poor unfortunate people that have frozen to death east of the Atlantic Ocean.


Now some may think...gee this is global warming.

I your homework and remember Iceland, the ash in the air and the passenger planes that were grounded in the east a few times.

A volcano can change our weather much faster than our industrial revolution.

I THINK YOU NEED TO ME MORE WORRIED ABOUT THE GARBAGE AND CHEMICALS that you put in your mouth rather than global warming. Those are the real killers.

Enough said.....

Quote of the day...

"Research is what I'm doing when I don't know what I'm doing." ~Wernher Von Braun